Tuesday, July 10, 2007

pant, pant, pant

ok, so i've been running again on and off for two weeks. things i've learned: running isn't getting any easier, it's hot in southern california, and proper hydration is the key to survival.

listening to good music doesn't necessarily make your legs ache any less, or your feet less sore, but it sure can distract you from thinking about them for a few minutes at a time. today's choice lyrics come from jeffrey foucault (www.jeffreyfoucault.com):

And the girl I loved once
Came to me last night
In a dream with a secret to tell
She whispered close
Can’t you hear the ocean?
As she leaned her earAgainst a shotgun shell

also been holding regular sessions of exercise theater for the past month (exercise theater is my new term for riding the exercise bike while watching movies... again, it doesn't make it hurt any less, but you're not thinking about it quite as much if you're watching something like the right stuff... especially the scene where yeager (sam shepard) takes a jet out for a last test-flight... talk about amping you up for the next 15 minutes!). past victims of exercise theater: the right stuff (obviously), amelie, nightwatch (a russian supernatural thriller type thing), the illusionist, flags of our fathers, casino royale and the incredibles (surprisingly inneffective as a motivator to keep going).

this week (all week) on exercise theater: the lord of the rings trilogy. yep, should take all week, one disc per night (excluding wednesday), or half of each movie per session.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Another something new from titles suggested by friends. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

...and another sketchy/journal-y thing that's already been posted, but now in it's original state.  Posted by Picasa