Friday, August 12, 2005

some thoughts on walking

okay, so this is pretty much the lowest common denominator as far as travel goes, right? Stick your left foot out, stick your right foot out... follow them. Occasionally, shake them all about to complete the hokey pokey.

i probably shouldn't admit this, but walking can be hard. right now, i'm alternating between a mile and a half during lunch at a regional park, and three miles at home around the local college campus.
they time out around the same as the park includes a fairly hellacious (for me) ascent at the beginning of the trail, plus the usual rise and fall of walking along the crest of a small hilly range.

if it's not the fact that you're swallowing the not so clean air that we call a sky in southern california, then you're probably doing your best to avoid killing your shins on the concrete sidewalks.

good shoes. that's a key. good shoes and good music to take your mind off the fact that you're walking in a series of straight lines, ending up in the same place you started and discovering exactly nothing new about the land you've just crossed.

quite a difference from the blue... seriously blue skies when you get more than 45 minutes away from a major metropolitan area. you may still be drowning in your own lungs, but it seems like it's worth it. at least until you wake up in the morning and your knees are sending you hate mail.

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