Monday, December 12, 2005

sleep: over-rated?

i wouldn't know lately, as i haven't been doing too much of it lately.

at work, we've been busy building an outdoor ice rink. in southern california. where we don't have weather, just minor variations on summer.

also, not sure if you've heard about this... but there's this little holiday thing that takes place every year around this time. it's pretty freaky. people buy over-priced gifts for other people and give them away. sometimes those other people even give the giver over-priced gifts also.

just out of curiosity: how many gifts do you remember off the top of your head from christmases past?

i remember the fire truck that i got when i was six. the freakin' thing was better than the batmobile, except that i didn't get to wear a cape while driving it. believe me... i asked.

more later. time to research some printers and scanners for the side-job that i've got lined up, which is going to pay for a lot of over-priced gifts that i hope will make people smile for at least 2.5 seconds. i'll be counting.

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