Saturday, March 11, 2006


just an fyi for anybody who's been really bored and kept up with the goings on in this part of the universe. still planning on that book type thing. just been busy doing research on the time period and other related subjects. the more research i've done, the more i've discovered that i needed to do, but i have seen a light at the end of the tunnel.

i'm hoping it's not a train.

meanstwhile, back to reading. there are some really interesting threads i've been able to pull together, but i still have a few questions that i haven't been able to answer yet (like villains... how many are too many? how dark should they be? how light should the 'heroes' of a piece be.... shouldn't we spend more time in the gray areas in between?).

so, yeah. just a heads up in case you were holding your breath.

go ahead and exhale for now.

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